Is Sodium Argentocyanide a Complex Salt?

Sodium Argentocyanide, also known as Sodium silver cyanide, is a complex salt. In its pure form, it's a white crystalline powder with an odor similar to bitter almond oil. It's found worldwide in the environment and can be found in nature as well as through mining operations.

Is Sodium Argentocyanide a Complex Salt?

What is Sodium Argentocyanide?

Sodium Argentocyanide is a complex salt. It's a white crystalline powder that can be dissolved in water to form solutions with different concentrations of the salt, depending on its purity and temperature.

Sodium Argentocyanide is used as an electrolyte in the preparation of silver.

It is insoluble in acids.

Formula of Sodium Argentocyanide

Sodium Argentocyanide is a complex salt with the formula Na[Ag(CN)2]. The cation is sodium, which has a charge of 1+ (Na+), and the anion is an ionic bond between two cyanide groups. 

This compound can be prepared by adding sodium cyanide to silver nitrate solution until the precipitate formed completely dissolves .

Equation of the reaction is as follows:

  1. AgNO3 + NaCN → AgCN↓ + NaNo3 
  2. AgCN + NaCN → Na[Ag(CN)2]

Is Sodium Argentocyanide a Complex Salt?

Yes, Sodium Argentocyanide is a complex salt, which means that it contains two or more elements. In this case, sodium and silver are the two metal elements that make up this compound.

It is also called as sodium silver cyanide because of its color, although it can be found in other colors (gray, black). It’s usually white but sometimes becomes yellow due to impurities like copper or iron present in its structure.

Dissociation reaction of Sodium Argentocyanide

There are many complex salts, but sodium argentocyanide is a special case. The reaction occurs when you mix sodium and argentocyanide together.

The Sodium argentocyanide dissociation reaction works by taking apart the Sodium, Silver and Cyanide ions. The dissociation of Sodium Argentocyanide takes place when salt is dissolved in water. 

Dissociation reaction are as follows:

  1. Na[Ag(CN)2] ⇄ Na++ Ag+ + 2CN-
  2. H2 ⇄ H + + OH-

Uses of Sodium Argentocyanide

Sodium Argentocyanide is among the most important salts in industry. It's used for several things:

  1. For example, it can be used to make sodium cyanide, which is then used in the production of silver.
  2. Used in electroplating of an article with silver as an electrolyte.
  3. In addition to its role as a catalyst in polyurethane production (a polymer based on plastic), it can also be used as an M&V agent and provides coloration to plastics.
  4. In cosmetics and dyes, sodium argentocyanide helps increase the brightness of colors such as reds or blues by making them appear more brilliant than they would otherwise be without this chemical being present in your product!

Precautions while using Sodium Argentocyanide

  1. Wear gloves and safety glasses.
  2. Use in a well ventilated area.
  3. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing.
  4. Do not eat or drink while handling the product.


As you can see from this article, Sodium Argentocyanide is a complex salt with several uses. It has many properties that make it an ideal compound for chemical synthesis and as a chemical reagent.

It also has many applications in the laboratory and industry, such as being used as an intermediate in polymerization reactions or as a precursor for other compounds, like silver nitrate. 

We hope this article helped you learn more about Sodium Argentocyanide so that next time someone asks what it is, you’ll be able to answer them!

Sameer Kolhi

Hey there! My name is Sameer Kohli, a professional Web Designer, Graphic Designer, UI / UX Designer as well as Content Creator. I love to Code and create interesting things while playing with it.

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